DAY 41b

Week 6

CIENFUEGOS ~ Palacio de Valle (Cienfuegos, CUB)

Wednesday April 24th, 2019

TODAYS MILEAGE – 56 miles / 90 kilometres
TRIP MILEAGE – 17,530 miles / 28,212 kilometres

Apparently no visit to Cuba is completed without a visit to “the most romantic Cuban house” – Palacio de Valle. As the story goes, the Moorish inspired 3 story building was a symbol of a Spanish merchants love for his wife. He ran a competition in which he combined several architects entries to have the building we have today.

It costs you $4 USD to visit the top floor open balcony, in which you receive a complimentary drink. Unfortunately, it does not appear that any of the entrance money is being spent on maintenance, which is unfortunate and the work that has been done, resembles a toddlers finger-painting in both execution and final finishes.

As with most romantic love stories, this one also has a happy ending. After two years in the house, and with the wealthy merchant not being so wealthy after a downturn in sugar pricing, the wife left him and returned to Spain ..... presumingly living happily ever after. Be Happy

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