TOWNSVILLE ~ Fitzy's Poverty Palace (Queensland, AUS)

Trip Planning & Overview
TODAYS MILEAGE – 0 miles or 0 kilometres
TRIP MILEAGE – 372 miles / 599 kilometres

Greetings & Salutations,

What started out as a typical Saturday morning mowing lawns, changed immeasurably with a ring of the phone. My sister in law rang to ask if I'd heard anything about my sister - Sandra, passing away a couple of days ago. For the next 6 hours or so, the frustrating process of identifying oneself to the authorities located in another state, is not only antiquated but filled with the emotion of not being able to receive relevant and up-to-date information.

At the end of the day, I was booked on a flight to Adelaide and then had a 4 hour drive to the steel mill town of Whyalla, located up near the top of Spencer Gulf in Australia's 4th largest state - South Australia.

Not the best reason for heading off to explore another part of the sunburnt country I call home ..... but let's go check it out anyways.