Guantánamo Province

Rancho Toa

The "Taco's & Toucan's" Trip

Coconut Plantation & Humble Homestead

Thursday April 18th, 2019

While most of the group would undertake a 4 hour hike through the scrub to check out a waterfall, the rest of us took the opportunity to visit some subsistence farmers and deliver everyday essentials like detergents, toothpaste, toilet paper, colouring in pencils etc that as a group, most of us chipped in to purchase.

Little did I know, that the decision would see me experiencing one of those 'life moments'.

While standing in the middle of a coconut plantation, the farmer – Raphael, who was showing us around with a neck brace on, came up to me while his worker was demonstrating how to climb a palm tree. Raphael reaches out with is finger and traces the scar on my neck and then points to similar scar on his own neck.

With our guide Victor translating - we go over our injuries, treatments, the high & low’s and both coming away feeling a whole lot better for sharing our experiences. For me, it felt like I was conversing with a kindred spirit, whose gone through the same shit and is just trying to live each day as it comes - as best we can.

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