Greetings Fellow Cactarians,

Another year, another birthday over with. Ruth celebrated her 21st birthday on the 19th of February. I'm thinking she done alright for herself. Her parents gave her an antique ladies "s" curve roll top desk and a few other bits and pieces of girly shit. I found a curved front hi-boy cabinet with a built in hat box. Ruth was ecstatic, which was great to see.

As part of Ruth's birthday present we did a bit of travel. The week before her birthday we traveled with her Dad about an hour over the Oregon border top a place called Baker City. Yeah, yeah, I know about the Griswald travel curse but everything went OK. We spent several hours browsing antiques shops in the search of gear for the three stores that Ruth has rented space in. The weekend of Ruth's Birthday was spent in Seattle with Ruth's sister and brother in law. Most of our time was spent in the town of Snohomish which is basically 300 antique shops in a 10 block radius.

We had a break last weekend, by that I mean I spent all weekend doing paperwork for Ruth's business and she spent all weekend cataloging her gear and putting in the stores. This weekend were off to Portland for some big antique show that 1500 dealers turn up to. I'm thinking I going to get tired of all that action and try and sneak over to the Hot Rod and car show on the other side of town.

As you can see not much has been happening in Boise......we haven't been in town long enough to see (ha ha ha) I thinks this year is already shot in regards to travel. We have to go to Dallas (Texas), Brimfield (Connecticut) and Phoenix (Arizona) for different family re-unions, weddings and birthdays. Why do I think airline "food" is going to be on of our 5 food groups???

We better get our fingers out if we are going to get into work early enough. Look for more after we get back from Portland.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Stay Happy

