DAY 69a

Week 10

CORINTH ~ Busted Chariot (Texas, USA)

Wednesday May 22nd, 2019

TODAYS MILEAGE – 140 miles / 225 kilometres
TRIP MILEAGE – 23,949 miles / 38,542 kilometres

And here I'm thinking I'd get out of the house nice and early, but as they say in the classics – the best laid plans of mice and men.

I walk up to the rental car and press the key fob to unlock it – computer says no. I get absolutely nothing, nada, zip, bupkiss, physically farq all from the vehicle – it was dead as doornail. I use the “safety key” to open the vehicle and find the battery completely dead. I jumped straight on the "dog & bone" and contact Avis for emergency roadside assistance and to arrange for a replacement vehicle that I could collect in nearby Denton.

As you can imagine, all this takes time and as such, I decided to change up my route as it was 10:40 AM by the time I actually got going. The irony was also not lost on me that of all the vehicles I’ve been in on the trip so far, including the busted arse unroadworthy mini-buses, it was the newest one, with the least amount of mileage, that was the one I had the most issues with – go figure.

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