Greetings Culture Vultures,

Hopefully this letter finds you all as fit as a malley bull and twice as dangerous.

Things are a bit quite here in Gotham City at the moment. I think I'm starting to turn into a bit of a "house poof". I spending a lot of time lately trying to turn my house into a home by picking out furnishings, cutlery & crockery, accessories and all that "Girly Shit" that's associated with a home.

I must be in touch with my feminine side as I can't make my mind as quickly as I used to. Never fear about me turning into a pillow biter though, the home theatre and the beer fridge keep me firmly grounded in my masculinity.

I hit the turps on Friday night with my good mate Dash. We went out on the tiles to introduce him to the great Aussie tradition of "wetting the baby's head" to celebrate the arrival of Alyssa. We had a ball (as our fitness level on Saturday attested to), but both quickly came to the realization that we enjoy sitting on the lounge in front of the home theatre system sipping "Dirty Muther's" or "White Russian's" until the cows come home.

Today's photos are from three towns within New York state. Clyde was a little town the we stopped for lunch in and wondered around a little in. Monticello is the spot where the original Woodstock was held in and Cooperstown is the home of the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Stay Happy ;-)
